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The first festival day

The second and main day of the festival brought to our attention performances of five bands:
7:15 Doors open
7:30 - 8:10 Apollo's Child
8:30 - 9:10 MURDER F.M.
9:30 - 10:10 Malice In Wonderland
10:30 - 11:10 States of Panic
11:30 - 12:45 Lord of the Lost
12:45 - 1:30 2013 MT Mega All Star Jam
Line-up, shall we say, is rather “famous”. For example, Lord of the Lost already gained a wide audience in Europe and soon will go to America. But let not be in a hurry.
Apollo's Child - former Black Room – is the British band with a Finnish vocalist, being newly formed and yet little known, immediately set stunningly energetic mood in the house: the boys turned out to be high professionals and Jaakko 's voice showed a great vocal range capacity. It sounded like being based on American vocal school (or it could be just natural talent, though) . Unfortunately, to find guys’ songs and listen before the fest was impossible, as they are not all released yet, but we found out that they performed songs from their upcoming album: "Rosy Walls", "Bend", "City of lights". I'd like to believe that folks will have great future, which they truly deserve.

Murder FM is also still a little-known group flew from the United States (the first in the history of Trashfest) and from the first chords won Mama Trash once and for all (from her own words). Guys really blew everybody away, which is quite difficult to do when the audience is not familiar with the music of the band, right? No need to say that Americans know how to get the crowd and make the whole room move to the beat of the music. Their single "As beautiful as you are" sounded especially great; the videoclip has already been shot for it. Like a hymn sounded "We the evil", combining clean guitar with electronic, clean vocals with extreme.

Norwegian handsome boys of
Malice in Wonderland are known and loved by everyone since the previous Treshfest. When these gorgeous guys step up the stage, it might seem to be enough just to enjoy watching them as they are, but when they start playing underneath the pretty faces the great music is revealed. From the first chords guys grabbed the attention of everyone in the room and did not let it go until the very last sound. MiW played 9 songs, three of which are from recently released single "Live for today/New Year's Eve", two cover songs and also songs from the debut album of the same name with the band.

So no one was left indifferent. We, being inspired by their performance, asked for a mini-interview with
Chris Wicked, the singer. He told that very soon, to be exact, on December, 10 the band will release the new album - "The Royal Brigade", already available for pre-order on the site. Here is what Chris said about the TrashFest as a whole: "This is the second time we're playing at Trash Fest and although it was great last year this year topped it! There was an amazing feeling and atmosphere throughout the whole event and the mood was great between all the bands and the fans. Big kudos to Mama Trash for bringing these artists together and there is truly a family feeling amongst us. For me personal (and I think I speak for most of us) it's really cool to have this event to meet old friends and also get new ones as well. All these talented people and great personalities is what make this gathering special. And I'm not forgetting about the fans ‘cause this event is truly about the fans. Some many of them coming from everywhere to have a great time and showing us their support. It means allot to all of us and it was GREAT to meet so many people this year. In Trash we trust!”
States of Panic (former Peepshow), black- haired Scotts entered the stage the fourth and incredibly pleased the audience with the amazing and energetic performance. Quite recently, the group was highlighted in the well-known magazine Kerrang!, where their new single, "One of us", was presented, which the guys performed at Trash Fest with great success. Performance of the guys drove everybody crazy, so most likely it is safe to wait for them at the next Trashfest.

Well, the main headliners of the festival, inimitable
Lord of the Lost... There are no words to describe what the crowd did, when the guys took the stage. Hall went crazy, singing along to every song, dancing and having lots of fun. Camera flashes blinded eyes, squeeze to the stage… naive to think you could! What to say... since last year, when the boys were in the middle of the line-up they rose not only to Trashfest headliners, but also won the European popularity. Also, they are already very well known in Russia and will visit our country with concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg in November.

It should be noted that the Lord of the Lost is perhaps the most "permanent" group of the fest, playing almost each year. Non-removable Mama’s favs did everything for everyone in the audience to leave the festival in the mood for partying and drinking until the very morning ! LoTL, in addition to their songs, are famous for awesome performances of pop covers! What is "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga worth? Masterpiece! Thanks to them, this song is also loved by rock’n’roll fans now. This year guys presented cover to "Sleeping in my car" Roxette, and achieved a lot of applause. Along covers band played all the hit songs: "Blood for blood", "Black Lolita", "Heart for sale". Drum show from Chris Harms blew everybody away so that to the final song "Credo" with the text "We give our hearts to the Lord of the Lost" there was no one left not being a fan of this incredible band anymore.

And then – the surprise, semi blue-black haired man appears on stage, carrying an acoustic guitar, who is he? The answer is: VDiva, lead singer of Lost Area with his surprise - acoustic performance (and the truth is, no one really expected!). Kind of break to rest the body and enjoy the great voice, singing three songs from the repertoire of Lost Area: “Change”, “Lost in this world” and “You are alive”. One may consider himself successful when there’s dead silence in the hall, and even breathing seems too loud bothering the performance. And that’s what VDiva was about - perfect unity of the audience, music and the musician.

And even then it was not over! After all these bands, it was time for the traditional Super Mega All Stars Jam. This is when all the musicians of the festival on one stage perform world famous hits, when 30 professionals, 10 guitars, 5 microphones, 3 bass (we exaggerate, yeah) (and everyone far from being sober, btw) perform "Personal Jesus" of Depeche Mode, then "Heroes" of David Bowie, “Wild Child” of WASP, "Saint" of Marilyn Manson and "White Wedding" of Billy Idol! The euphoria in the room was incredible thanks to the compilation of the most awesome songs of all times!

Unfortunately, the festival ended later than planned and there was so few time left for the after-party thing... (it's only Finnish bars that close at three in the morning to blame). And yet,
Bakkari was overcrowded - even though only an hour of fun was left, but what an hour! Celebrate such a great event with a couple of Cuba Libres and go sleep - a good conclusion to the “banquet”. Or not yet?
Because the next day there was another surprise event from Mama Trash planned - daily after-after party acoustic gig - truly a family thing: sofas, candles, stage in the middle of the room on the floor… Only the most loyal, faithful and constant Trashfest fans came there and for the sake of her team Mama Trash created a magical and friendly atmosphere. What can be better than sitting in a comfy chair, sipping juice and listening to the hits of the brightest bands in soft acoustic interpretation? At the concert played: Apollo's Child, Malice in Wonderland, Murder FM, Helldustrya, Latexxx Teens, Jaani Peuhu and finally Private Line. Especially beautiful, in our opinion, sounded Apollo's Child and Malice in Wonderland - as if they were born to play acoustically. The last song - "Live, Learn and Grow apart" by Private Line became memorable, sweet and beautiful ending of the whole event. It was stunning!
The following year, Mama promises even more surprises and awesome bands. Preparation for TFVII has already begun. We wish her good luck and see you next year!
Text - Anastasiya Bokareva.
Photos - Olga Tcvetkova.
Special thanks to Mama Trash and the whole Trash Family for accreditations